Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The computational error analysis for coefficient of reflection of plane sound waves at the end of opening channel without flange performed by means of formulas commonly used in practice has demonstrated their unacceptability for accurate acoustic calculations, and limitations of the Helmholtz numbers’ range, where these formulas are applicable. In this work have been proposed calculated dependences, convenient for practical usage and enabling more accurately calculate by computer approach the considered quantity’s values in a whole range of existence of the plane waves in the channel.

plane wave, reflection coefficient, acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient module, hole’s cut-in length, end correction, calculation result error, Bessel function.

1. Введение
Коэффициент отражения плоских звуковых волн, распространяющихся по каналу, от его концевого отверстия без фланца в показательной форме может быть представлен в виде:

R = − R e j2kl , (1)


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