Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2003 until now
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
During ecological researches and monitoring of the natural aquatic environment it is very often necessary to carry out filtration of water large volumes for extraction on filters the weighed components, and for subsequent analysis of mineral and organic suspension’s structure. The installations applied now for vacuum filtration have a number of essential restrictions. The most important deficiency of existing installations for vacuum filtration is the use of a leak-tight receiver with rigid design. At intensive filtration such receiver has to have a large volume that limits filtration installation’s possibilities for transportation and afield operation. Need of a vacuum pump’s protection against a filtrate intrusion demands constant monitoring for receiver filling at the large filtration volume. During receiver filling the filtration process needs to be interrupted for filtrate removal from the receiver, but sometimes such interruption significantly complicates the filtration process. In this paper is described the developed new mobile installation for continuous vacuum filtration based on a closed cycle water-jet pump for vacuum generation. The proposed installation for vacuum filtration of natural water’s weighed components allows carry out filtration of water large volumes in the continuous mode. The installation hasn’t a leak-tight vacuum receiver so that it has small dimensions.
vacuum filtration, natural water’s weighed components, water ecosystems monitoring
1. Введение
Природная вода представляет собой сложную систему, состоящую из водной среды, растворенного вещества и взвешенных частиц различного происхождения и размеров.
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2. Zhuzhikov V. A. Filtrovanie. Teoriya i praktika razdeleniya suspenziy [The Filtering. Theory and Practice of Suspension Separation]. Moscow, Chemistry Publ., 1971. 440 p. (in Russian).
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4. PND F 14.1:2:4.261-10 (izdanie 2015 g.) Metodika izmereniy massovoy kontsentratsii sukhogo i prokalennogo ostatka v probakh pit’evykh, prirodnykh i stochnykh vod gravimetricheskim metodom [Federal Conservation Normative Document 14.1:2:4.261-10 (publication 2015) Method of Measuring of Mass-concentration of Dried and Ignited Residuum in Samples of Drinking, Natural and Waste Water by the Gravimetric Method]. Moscow, 2015. 15 p. (in Russian).
5. Nino Zinna. Metody filtratsii vody v sistemakh vodopodgotovki [Method of the water filtering in system of water treatment]. Santechnika [SANTECHNIKA magazine]. 2005, I. 4, pp. 6-14. (in Russian).
6. Metody mikrobiologicheskogo kontrolya pochvy. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii (utverzhdeny Glavnym gosudarstvennym sanitarnym vrachom RF 24.12.2004 N FC\4022) [Methods of microbiological control of the soil. Methodical guidelines (Approved by Chief Medical Officer of Russian Federation, December 24, 2004)]. Moscow, 2004. 6 p. (in Russian).