Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Exploring linkages between trees increment and meteorological elements is of great importance for understanding biological processes, assess of environmental determinants, defining growth and productivity of forest communities, forecasting growth in connection with changing climatic conditions. Dendroclimatic analysis can be used in planning and implementation of many forestry activities. The paper presents data on the effect of meteorological factors on the radial increment of English oak in isotopologues cultures originating from glague oak forest of serotinous variety. Dendrochronological analysis of radial growth was carried out in accordance with existing methodological developments. In the dynamics of radial growth of trees of English oak, periodicity is observed. 2-3-, 5-7-, 11-, 22-year cycles are seen more clearly. Growth depression is mainly due to the summer droughts with temperatures above average standards and rainfall less than average annual norms. Periods with high radial growth occur in years with high air temperatures and rainfall more than average standards. In terms of impact on the radial increment of English oak meteorological elements are arranged in the following order: hydrometric ratio; precipitation – autumn-winter, summer, annual; air temperature in the vegetation period of active growing season (April, May), summer, annual. Data on the influence of meteorological elements are confirmed by the results of analysis of variance. The highest power of the influence of the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) is 0.39, with precipitation of the warm period of is, the sum of precipitation for the year of is, the lowest effect with temperature is 0.20. Between the air temperature and increment in the warm period there is an inverse relationship: the increase in air temperature reduces growth. Both excess of precipitation and the shortage contribute to the reduction of radial growth.

radial growth, relative index, analysis of variance, index of power of influence, width of annual rings.
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Актуальность. Для сохранения ценных лесных ресурсов необходимы знания не только об их современном состоянии, но и об изменениях, которые происходили за более длительный период. В связи с этим возрастающую актуальность приобретают дендрохронологические исследования [2, 5, 6], которые могут быть использованы для прогнозирования прироста в связи с изменением климата [5-11]. Особенности прироста дуба черешчатого в зависимости от влияния различных метеорологических элементов изучали многие исследователи (Костин, 1968; Ефимов, 1974 и др.) [3, 4]. Однако следует отметить, что не всегда учитывались особенности прироста в различных лесорастительных условиях и у разных внутривидовых категорий дуба черешчатого: экотипов, эдафотипов, фенологических разновидностей.


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