Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Russian Federation
The south of Russia is the largest agro-industrial region of the country. One of the factors contributing to the successful development of agriculture in this area are the stable agroforestlandscapes, formed several decades ago, the main structural element of agroforestlandscapes are forest shelterbelts, which exert meliorative influence on the agroecological situation in the agrolandscapes. However, as a result of the impact of natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors, most of the protective forest plantations are in an unsatisfactory state. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out an inventory of the forest reclamation fund to obtain reliable information on their quantity and current state of protective forest plantations, with a view to developing urgent forest measures aimed at preserving them, improving the forest and reclamation condition and increasing they longevity. At present, information technologies are widely used in scientific research and practical activities, including agriculture and forestry. However, the use of remote methods and geoinformation technologies in the study of protective forest stands from the point of view of a systematic approach (assessment of forest strip systems in agrolandscapes), both in domestic and in foreign scientific research, is not sufficiently developed and requires further study. The developed author's method of agroforest reclamation assessment of protective forest plantations on the basis of remote information and GIS technologies allows simultaneous carry out three-level analysis of forest belt systems within the administrative area, the farm and the individual forest strip. The proposed approach opens up new opportunities for conducting research in the assessment of the state of protective forest plantations of the territory of the Russian Federation for the development of scientifically based principles and methods for the rational management of the agroforest reclamation fund. The presented method was successfully implemented during monitoring of protective forest plantations on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory within the framework of the implementation of the regional target program "Fertility" for 2006-2010, on an area of more than 11,000 hectares.
agroforest reclamation, protective forest plantations, geoinformation technologies, space images, field standardization, forestry and meliorative assessment.
Защитные лесные насаждения (ЗЛН), размещаемые по границам полей, формируют устойчивые агроландшафты [5, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Современный агролесомелиоративный фонд РФ насчитывает около 2,8 млн га лесных полос, в том числе 1,2 млн га полезащитных, 1,0 млн га противоэрозионных и 0,6 млн га – пастбищезащитных и др. Большая часть насаждений (около 75 %) находится в неудовлетворительном состоянии из-за влияния природно-климатических и антропогенных факторов [4, 7, 9, 14]. По этой причине назрела острая необходимость в проведении инвентаризации существующих ЗЛН по всей стране для получения актуальной информации об их современном состоянии с целью разработки лесохозяйственных и агротехнических мероприятий, направленных на увеличение их долговечности и выполнение своих защитных функций.
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