Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Since 2014, Russia has been repeatedly sanctioned by a number of foreign countries: USA, 27 countries of the European Union, Australia and the Ukraine. The sanctions were a reaction to the annexation of Crimea to Russia and become one of the causes of the financial crisis that took place in the Russian economy in 2014-2016. However, there is a number of regions and industries, which in these adverse conditions were able to achieve noticeable success and today show positive development trends. Such regions include Voronezh oblast. The article analyzes the development of the dairy industry; leaders in the production of raw milk are noted. The facts and figures of development of cattle breeding, pork production and poultry production are given. The importance of the development of the seed industry that provides economic security and high performance agriculture is noted. Progress in the development of open agriculture and greenhouse agriculture is shown. Objective goal of the region to enter foreign markets of agricultural products is especially noted, through which it is possible to replenish foreign exchange reserves of the region. The measures whose implementation will contribute to improving existing development in the area of funds are defined. The emphasis is made on the shortcomings of economic development, these include: the lack of favorable conditions for attracting investments in these sectors, appropriate level of training of personnel, development of innovative technologies. Key guidelines for the development of the region's economy in the short term are identified: improvement of the procurement system, creating a good climate for investment, construction of the plant of pelleted seed, starch and syrup production, the establishment of multi-faceted work on import substitution in agriculture. According to the authors, the taken measures will contribute to increasing productivity in agricultural industries and will allow the region to consolidate its leading position, to enter the top ten ranking of the best regions of the country.
agriculture, meat and dairy production, productivity of agriculture, attracting investment, labor productivity.
Воронежская область входит в Центрально-Черноземный регион, который славится своим черноземом и претендует называться развитыми промышленно-аграрным регионом. Она считается лидирующей по производству молока, мяса, объему инвестиций, которые вкладываются в агропромышленное производство. Поначалу высокие темпы роста экономических показателей связывали с тем, что была очень низкая точка отсчета, но в настоящее время область закрепила за собой лидирующие позиции в плане как относительных, так и абсолютных показателей.
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13. In the Belgorod region started a dairy complex for 7 thousand t in a year. The dailyNews. [Electronic resource] : news of the dairy market every day. Mode of access: http://www.dairynews.ru/dairyfarm/v-belgorodskoyoblasti-zapushchen-molochnyy-komple.html. (Accessed 30.01.2017).
14. In the Voronezh region opened dairy complex for 2.8 thousand milch cows. [Electronic re-source] :RIA "Voronezh" Mode of access: https://news.mail.ru/politics/28395883/?frommail=1 (06.03.2017)
15. The development of the dairy industry in Lipetsk region is gaining momentum [Electronic resource] : Lipetsk time. Teleradiokompaniya "LV". Mode of access: http://lipetsktime.ru/news/economy/razvitie_molochnoy_otrasli_v_lipetskoy_oblasti_nabiraet_oboroty/ (accessed 30.01.2017).