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Abstract (English):
The basic soil preparation is an important factor in ensuring high survival rate and preservation of cultural plants. Its objective is to loosen the soil to a predetermined depth, it is also important to ensure the containment of weeds growth in areas, adjacent to the row of crop strips. Depending on soil conditions it may be cutting of one or double earthboard furrows (drained soil) and in the formation of microhill (temporarily waterlogged soils). For these purposes, currently, ploughs PKL-70, PRL-70, PL-1, PLM-1.5A, PDV-1.5, PL-2-50, PLD-1.2, etc. are used. Their common drawback is the ability to perform only one operation. A large variety of used tillage equipment and its low efficiency confirms the urgency of developing multi-tools modular construction. This will effectively produce basic preparation of the soil in a variety of conditions with a single instrument. The article provides a description of design and basic layout options of multifunctional plough. By simple changeovers, carried out on site, the plough can be adapted for the main preparation of soil on clearings with drained and temporarily waterlogged soils. It is also possible to change the distance between the bodies of the plow in accordance with the specified rows and rearrange them to work "in" or "out". Process works is modeled in conditions of non-uprooted cutting. The simulation experiment showed high efficiency of the plough, which is ensured by the presence of safety recoverable devices. Replacement in the forestry enterprise of a set of ploughs with one multipurpose plough will reduce total specific amount of metal almost in 4 times.

soil, tillers, block-modular arrangement, reforestation, technology.
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Основная подготовка почвы под лесные культуры на вырубках является ключевым фактором в обеспечении высокой приживаемости и сохранности культурных растений. Целью ее является обработка почвы на заданную глубину с заданной степенью крошения. Кроме того, это позволяет отодвинуть на 1-2 года сроки зарастания сорной растительностью полос, прилегающих к рядкам культур. Способы основной обработки почвы зависят от типа и физико-механических свойств почв, ее влажности и продолжительности годового периода переувлажнения (пересыхания).


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