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Abstract (English):
In current business environment we need to search new tools of state industrial policy. World and domestic experience, as well as theoretical studies confirm that the use of cluster approach to promoting the development of integrated economic systems contributes to improving the competitiveness of industries, regions and country as a whole. The aim of this study is to analyze the conceptual foundations of cluster creation in the forest sector of economy of Sverdlovsk region taking into account of the essential features of economic and technological reality, and the current state of the state of cluster policy. The analysis of the legal framework helped to identify the forms of state support for cluster formations and their requirements and their specialized institutions to obtain official status. The study identified six currently existing regional forestry clusters. Formed clusters will contribute to the development of the industry, but their number is insufficient to improve the competitiveness and innovative development of forest sector economy as a whole. Timber industry complex of Sverdlovsk region has significant potential to increase its contribution to economic development of the region. Development opportunities of the forestry sector are explained by the presence of established infrastructure, logging and timber processing, and significant resource base of the industry. There are enterprises of forestry, pulp and paper, wood processing, wood chemical industry in the region. Sverdlovsk region has a number of problems that would be mitigated and partially solved through the establishment of timber industry cluster. In this work, the structure of the regional wood industry cluster is suggested, the assumptions and risks of its creation are analyzed, the composition of the participants of the "core" of the cluster is substantiated. The most appropriate mechanisms of state support and quantitative performance indicators of the cluster are offered to ensure the efficient operation and further development of the cluster.

cluster approach, timber cluster, industrial policy, state support, competitiveness, Sverdlovsk region.
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