Rubrics: TOURISM
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Abstract (English):
In the article are discussed the investigations of the hydrous recreational of the Belgorod region. As it was established Belgorod belongs to the low-waters regions of Russia, but the domestic reservoirs are widely used in the tourist industry and develop recreation near the reservoir. Today, the development of water tourism is most promising on the rivers: Oskol, Seversky Donets, TikhayaSosna, Vorskla, Seym, Pselya and reservoirs - Starooskolsky and Belgorod.The authors of the article have analyzed the water objects of the region, with the aim of using them in the tourism industry, and the most optimal water recreational objects were identified. Nowadays, they are used for organizing and conducting various types of elementary recreational activities: bathing and rest during the warm season, rest at the reservoir in the cool period associated with contemplation, riding on boats, pleasure boats, jet skis, motor boats, water bicycles, water Skiing.The assessment of the natural recreational potential of the Oskol River in the Belgorod region has revealed the perspective possibilities of using a water resource for the development of a new tourist product. The proposed new water-health tour «Kayak rafting along the Oskol River» for a measured family and sports recreation will allow people to get acquainted with the traditions and life of the area, learn about local culture, the proposed developed and tested tourist route is unique and in its own way colorful.Tour «Kayak rafting along the Oskol River» will contribute to the development of the tourism industry in the region, tourists will be offered a romantic tourist trip related to the sun, water, communication with wild nature and environmental awareness, and travel companies will be able to improve the efficiency of their activities.

tourism, water resources, water objects, tourism industry, tourist designing, Belgorod region
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