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Abstract (English):
Modernization of vocational education in Russia is caused with the needs of intensification of innovative economic development of the country and the need for positive changes in social and cultural space of the Russian society. According to the program documents, the strategy of education modernization aims at changes of its content, resources, and conceptual installations in the education individualization, development and improvement of graduates’ competitiveness. Vocational tourism education in this article refers to the institutional and structural integrity of the educational environment in the field of tourism. Its purpose is training specialists for the Russian tourism as a developed integrated system which represents the most appropriate format for the solution of problems of modernization, as it has: unity industry competence framework of profession, opportunities for implementing optimal trajectories for the continuous professional development of students, integrating the factors of social and economic as well as social and cultural character, where the first one is the factor of integration in professional environment. Integrated environment is the conceptual unity in the understanding of competence models of graduates and in particular the knowledge component of the model. The aim of the study, which results helped to write this article was to identify the identity of their ideas about the knowledge component of training, as well as on the compliance of submissions of the universities to the ideas of the professional community that created the Project of the professional standard of a specialist in tourism on the example of a particular profession in tourism, which are taught in accordance with the purposes of the main educational programs of higher education, by different universities. The object of study is the model of the graduate schools in the field of vocational tourism education, the subject knowledge component of the model and its conformity with the view of the necessary knowledge of the professional community in tourism. For the purposes of the study there were selected 15 of the basic educational programs of higher education of various universities that train "managers of tourism". The educational programs belong to different areas of training ("Tourism", "Management", "Service", "Recreation, sports and health tourism", "Social and cultural service and tourism"); for their analysis there were identified three parameters: "results of education", "requirements for applicants", "the composition of knowledge components." The results of the analysis were compared with the results of the qualitative analysis of the knowledge components of professional standard. As a result of the comparative analysis there were identified polyarchy of knowledge components of programs, which is interpreted by the authors as the problem of formation of integral system of vocational tourism education and its modernization obstacle. As a solution the authors propose ensuring the openness and transparency of dialogue in inter-University discussion of the competence models of graduates of specialized training areas and in the development of approximate basic educational programs, and experimental implementation of the development results and regular monitoring of graduates’ professional socialization processes.

modernization of vocational tourism education, polyarchy of knowledge components, integrated educational environment in the field of tourism
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