Perm, Russian Federation
Perm, Russian Federation
The experience of developing an independently established educational standard (IEES) for Bachelor’s Programs of Tourism and Service, included in the major group of Programs and Specialties in Perm State National Research University (PSNRU), is presented in the study. The research outlines the problem of combining the geographical focus with the economic and managerial ones and gives ways to solve it. In the paper the structure of the MEP (Main educational program) training units has been established, approaches to formation of elective parts in the programs have been explored and key points and competence-oriented learning objectives have been set. The elective part of the Bachelor’s Program in Tourism is structured on the grounds of spatial-route and project tourism dimensions, historical and cultural, service and organizational-economic specificities and regional ownership. The principle of regional ownership on employers’ approval is manifested in the standard in use of sports and health activity as an additional one. In accordance with this type of activity the graduate is able to perform such professional tasks as organization of sports and health tours, programs and preparation of various tourism products on the basis of regional specifics, security provision and tactical and technical support of tourist groups. The analysis of modern approaches to service reveals its most demanded in society components and service employees’ traits which determined the training objectives. The approaches to the disciplinary content of the elective part in the Bachelor’s Program in Service are formulated. They are the following: Service and Organization and Management, a combination of Standard Professional Activity with its Creative Component, Socio-cultural and Client-oriented Activity; Formation of Universal Human Traits and Psychological Stability. The principles, objectives and their disciplinary implementation in Tourism and Service MEP are summarized, grouped and presented in the tables. The research closes by outlining the problems of IEES formation.
independently established educational standard, major educational program, Tourism, Service, disciplinary content, vocational education, regional specificity of education
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