
Вместо объявленного «предсказателями» конца света наступил новый учебный год, с чем искренне поздравляю ученых, преподавателей и учащихся разных уровней образования, особенно авторов и читателей нашего журнала, и желаю удачи во всех видах коммуникации.


1. Antonova Yu.V.Rol’ interneta v formirovanii informatsionnoy kul’tury i inoyazychnoy kommunikativnoy kompetentnosti studentov-mezhdunarodnikov [Role of the Internet in the formation of information culture and foreign communicative competence of international students]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

2. Bozhenkova R.K. Lingvokul’turologicheskaya strategiya formirovaniya polilingval’noy i polikul’turnoy lichnosti inofona na zavershayushchem etape obucheniya RKI [Lingvokulturological strategy of the formation of the polylinguistic and polycultural personality of the inophone at the final stage of the RCT study]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

3. Grinev G.N. Vneshnyaya sreda dlya professional’nogo razvitiya vzrosleyushchey lichnosti [The external environment for the professional development of the maturing personality]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

4. Dzhioeva A.A. Etnokul’turnaya reprezentatsiya emotsiy v angliyskom i britanskom mirakh: lingvisticheskie i kul’turologicheskie aspekty [Ethnocultural representation of emotions in the English and British worlds: linguistic and cultural aspects]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

5. Dement’eva T.M. Osobennosti vvedeniya leksiki shveytsarskogo varianta nemetskogo yazyka na nachal’nom etape obucheniya nemetskomu yazyku v vuze [Features of the introduction of the lexicon of the Swiss version of the German language at the initial stage of teaching the German language at the university]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

6. Izaak S.I. Politicheskie kommunikatsii v informatsionnom obshchestve [Politicheskie communications in the information society]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

7. Kulanina E.M. Kommunikativnaya funktsiya kalligrafii i ee rol’ v tsennostno-kul’turnom vzaimodeystvii [Communicative function of calligraphy and its role in the value-cultural interaction]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

8. Mansurova V.D. Svoboda v smiritel’noy rubashke: sbyvayutsya li fatal’nye prognozy teoretikov massmedia? [Svoboda in a straitjacket: do the fatal predictions of the theoreticians of the mass media come true?]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

9. Molchanovskiy V.V. Professional’no-kommunikativnaya kompetentsiya prepodavatelya russkogo yazyka kak inostrannogo [Professional-communicative competence of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

10. Tsvetova N.S.Vneshnyaya sreda dlya professional’nogo razvitiya vzrosleyushchey lichnosti [External environment for the professional development of the maturing personality]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

11. Chernikov M.V. Markery pravdivosti v protsessakh kommunikatsii [Markers of truthfulness in the processes of communication]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

12. Cho Iok. Etnokul’turnaya reprezentatsiya emotsiy v angliyskom i britanskom mirakh: lingvisticheskie i kul’turologicheskie aspekty [Ethnocultural representation of emotions in the English and British worlds: linguistic and cultural aspects]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

13. Shaposhnikov V.N. Ob”ektivirovannaya nominatsiya v kommunikativnom akte. Oboznachenie faktichnosti [Objective nomination in a communicative act. Legend of Actuality]. Sovremennaya kommunikativistika [Modern communicativistics]. 2017, I. 5.

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