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Abstract (English):
Radiation situation for cosmonauts over long-term cosmic flights is caused by low-rate radiation of galactic cosmic rays and solar cosmic rays consisting of high-energy proton as well as heavy particles (Z>10) within 1-2 % that is exclusively a threat of stochastic radiation effects (small increase of cancer risk and decrease of mean life span) for men. During interplanetary expedition periods the small probability of raised solar activity there is a threat of exposure to astronauts at doses that cause deterministic radiation effects leading to the development of the disease as a clinical manifestation of radiation injuries,. In a similar scenario it is necessary to have available to cosmic ship anti-radiation countermeasures for cosmonaut protection. Among radioprotective equipment can be provided with radiation protective agents and partial shielding of body separate section providing the best condition for post-radiation repair of radiosensitive body tissues. Preparation B-190 (indralin) is the most perspective from a small numbers of other radioprotectors permitting for men administration. Besides high radioprotective efficacy and large broadness of protective action B-190 is well tolerated including the impact of extrem flight factors. Antiemetic agent latran (ondansetron) is most interesting among preparation for prophylaxis and reduction of prodromal radiation reaction. To accelerate post-radiation hematopoietic recovery after raised solar activity an administration of radiomitigators (riboxin et al.) is substantiated. Neupomax (neupogen) is recommended as a preparation for pathogenesis therapy of acute radiation syndrome. Possible consequences of long-term cosmic voyages for oxidative stress development are taken into consideration. On their basis of nNatural antioxidants, preparations and nutrients radiomodulators, fully qualitative nutrition including vegetable food enriched flavonoids, vitamins C, E and carotene potentially prevent a shorten of cosmonaut biological age induced by solar cosmic rays and galactic cosmic rays and stress factors of long-term cosmic voyages. Radiomodulators are low and non-toxic and have not side effects in recommended doses. Their radioprotective effect is directly induced by adaption reaction on cellular and organismic levels through gene expression modulation and in that way the increase of non-specific body tolerance. The implementation of radiomodulator action is possible through hormesis mechanism.

space radiation, manned space flights, radiation protective agents, indralin, latran (ondansetron), neupomax (filgrastim), natural antioxidants

При космических полетах радиационные воздействие возможно от радиационного пояса Земли. Вне магнитного поля Земли оно связано с низкоинтенсивным изотропным галактическим космическим излучением (ГКЛ) и с солнечными космическими лучами (СКЛ) во время развития стохастически распределенных солнечных протонных событий (СПС), опасных по своей интенсивности в периоды высокой солнечной активности (СА) с большими величинами суммарного флюенса 108- 109 прот/см2. СА сопровождается обычно более низкими значениями мощности дозы от ГКЛ приблизительно в 2-3 раза и, наоборот, в периоды минимума СА имеют место максимальные уровни мощности дозы от ГКЛ. ГИ по своей интенсивности до 1 мкГр/мин состоит из протонов (85 %) с энергией от 100 до 1011 МэВ, альфа-частиц (14 %), тяжелых частиц с атомным весом до 40 (1 %) с максимальной энергией до 200-500 МэВ и потока электронов (2 %). Среди тяжелых частиц подавляющее место занимают атомы углерода, азота и кислорода (0,83 %) далее следуют атомы лития, бериллия и брома (0,23 %), и к наиболее тяжелым частицам относятся атомы железа (0,05 %).

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