Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article deals with the problem of introduction of Swiss version vocabulary of the German language at the initial stage of learning German in high school. The author determines the optimum ways and methods of semantization of helvetisms taking into account their characteristic lexical and semantic features related to specific linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the development of literary German in the German-speaking cantons of the Swiss Confederation. The article reveals the reasons for the lexical and semantic divergences between helvetisms and German vocabulary and defines the main types of lexical and semantic distinctions of the intoduced helvetisms in comparison to the studied standard German vocabulary.
helvetisms, standard German vocabulary, Swiss version of German, semantization, lexical and semantic features, lexical nomination.
Тенденция введения наряду с основной немецкой литературной лексикой незначительного процента лексики швейцарского и австрийского вариантов немецкого языка находит отражение в некоторых современных учебных комплексах по изучению немецкого языка как иностранного языка (далее — ИЯ) издательств Федеративной Республики Германия.
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