Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper, the development of ideas of leading mass media theorists on freedom of communication process in modern media space is analyzed. Rapid development and expansion of information technologies in the second half of XXth century brought an illusion that ‘external expansion of human’ (by M. McLuhan) would get him free of ideological dictate. But mass media evolution revealed the ambiguity of answers to the question “Who is stronger – a machine or a man?” Theorists have to state that digitalization leads to transformation of social systems and to a human being dependent on the Net dictate. Studies of leading scientists demonstrate a crisis of Homo Informaticus and a transformation of his thinking. However, theorists believe in an optimistic scenario of overcoming the technological determinism.

media after “requiem”, clicking man, being free in the absence of freedom, netdeterminism, smart mobs, Netocracy.

Schöpfertum in der Zwangsjacke? (Творчество в смирительной рубашке?) — в такой дихотомии квалифицировали уровень свободы творческой деятельности немецкие теоретики Франц Лозер и Дитер Шульце в одноименной монографии, вышедшей в свет еще в 1980 г. в берлинском издательстве научной литературы [14].


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