Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the history of the domestic local lore in the Soviet period from of the “small geography” to the history of party building in a specific area (region) or the city. As a result, the scientific world regarded the local lore studies not as the fundamental knowledge, but as educational or monuments protection activities. Internet and mass tourism development engaged general public at the the process of geographical knowledge. Networked communities are replacing the territorial communities, and local lore is becoming a networked. The active tourism practices mix training with fun, adventure and search activities. It is assumed that the search for knowledge and understanding through active tourism will be the dominant theme of the education of the future. Ideology of local history lies in conservatism and catastrophism. The technosphere complication occurs with simplifying its diversity and growth of risk of a catastrophic outcome. In other words, all of the obsolete, outgoing and unnecessary in a critical mode may be the most necessary.

local lore, geography, people science, hiking, trekking, catastrophism, archaic, sport, survival.
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