Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present article describes the operation principles of the sphere of housing and communal services, taking into account the existing set of problems. Based on the development of a set of measures for their elimination control system for apartment buildings undergoing a number of changes aimed at improving the quality of the services provided. In connection with this, the article marked individual ongoing projects of changes in the monitoring system of apartment building. The authors note the priority of state policy in the sphere of housing and communal services, using effective information technology, resulting in a growth in the level of technical equipment of engineering objects. The article analyzes the examples of usage and marks positive results of recourse to the principle of extensive using implemented information technologies. The authors consider the task of dispatching service reflected in legal acts regulating the its activities, and implementation issues from the point of dispatch practical use, as well as the principle of monitoring system, its objectives and main components. The article presents the scheme of consumer communication and authority of monitoring system, analyzes aspects of the application of computerized management of apartment buildings, introduction, development plan and improving the monitoring system based on the introducing the automatic control; and makes a number of proposals for improvement of monitoring system by expanding the list of automated processes, including the cases of ongoing projects.

management of apartment buildings, the system of quality improvement, information technology, dispatch service, automated management monitoring system
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