Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The updated econometric estimates of the influence of new technologies and human capital on the contribution of new technological structures to the per capita GDP in the regions of the Central and North-Western federal districts of Russia are obtained. The article estimates coefficients of elasticity of the contribution of new ways to GDP per capita by the use of the new technologies estimated by capital-labor ratio of work by new fixed assets and by the use of the human capital estimated by a share of busy workers with the higher education. In case of big sizes of coefficients of elasticity of the contribution of new ways to GDP per capita on the use of the new technologies estimated by capital-labor ratio of labor by new fixed assets it is reasonable to increase the investments into fixed assets of the region. In case of big sizes of coefficients of elasticity of the contribution of new ways to GDP per capita on the use of the human capital estimated by a share of busy workers with the higher education it is reasonable to increase, first of all, a share of workers with the highest education.

new technological way, GDP per capita, new fixed assets, the level of education, econometric models.

Целью работы являлось исследование влияния новых технологий и человеческого капитала на продуктивность новых — пятого и шестого технологических укладов в экономике регионов современной России в период до наступления современного эко-
номического кризиса.


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8. Basovskiy L.E. Vlijanie novyh tehnologij i chelovecheskogo kapitala na vklad novyh ukladov v jekonomiku regionov Central'nogo federal'nogo okruga [The impact of new technologies and human capital on the contribution of new ways to the economy of the regions of the Central Federal District]. Ekonomika [Economics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 2, pp. 39-42.

9. Basovskaya E.N. Vlijanie novyh tehnologij i chelovecheskogo kapitala na vklad novyh ukladov v jekonomiku regionov Severo-Zapadnogo federal’nogo okruga [The impact of new technologies and human capital on the contribution of new ways to the economy of the regions of the North-West Federal District]. Ekonomika [Economics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 2, pp. 43-45.

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