Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The methods of formation of motivation of students of secondary school to continue education in secondary vocational education are given. The new approaches to the use of the learning outcomes of students in the subject “Technology” in the educational process in college are disclosed. The author justifi ed the expediency of the formation of understanding the creative content of the work of mid-level professionals, career opportunities and getting fair remuneration and opportunities for personal self-realization in professional activity of specialists of this level and prospects of continuing education in higher education.

pre-training, vocational education, continuity of educational content, organizational-pedagogical conditions of continuity of the content of education, personal orientation, personal learning outcomes, the human factor in education, universal jurisdiction.

Отечественное производство во всех отраслях остро нуждается в специалистах среднего звена, которые выполняют большую часть созидательной работы и от труда которых во многом зависит производительность и качество труда в конкретной отрасли и на каждом рабочем месте, и, в целом, успех технологической революции, происходящей в нашей стране.


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