Tver', Tver, Russian Federation
The article deals with cooperative (consensual) character of the strategy «approval» within the «self-presentation strategy» in the educational discourse. The author gives his interpretation of the given strategy; considers it from the point of view of two communicative tactics «praise» and «compliment»; he gives the definite examples of the conducted questionnaire survey and analyzes the replicas from the point of view of the theory of speech acts and verbal explication of «agreement» on the basis of four languages: English, Russian, German and French.
strategy of «approval», self-presentation strategy, educational discourse, communicative tactic, positive politeness strategies, illocutionary component, «persuasive» self-presentation.
«В настоящее время основой организационного учебного дискурса является коммуникативная студентоцентрическая модель обучающей методики, обеспечивающая процесс эффективного, целенаправленного и привлекательного формирования
лингвистической и коммуникативной компетенции [5, с. 108].
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