Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In this article specifics of existence of the individual in the settled and formed postmodern tendencies are analyzed, and the question of the radical subject as the subject, to contradictory “post-person”, a divide (but not the individual), in the context of a problem of his self-identification in the developed world picture in communication aspect is also considered. By means of the analysis of sources of a postmodern, the major factors which have promoted his emergence are allocated. The matter has the powerful reasons to studying, against development of the digital industry and the Internet network, globalization and updating of the western lifestyle and liberal foundations in the context of culture, economy and policy. The radical subject is presented as a certain absolute based on which it is possible to allocate a number of the qualities having potential to self-identification preservation, consciousness, counteraction to foundations of mass culture, opposite ideals of elite culture. I flew the question of a phenomenon of simulation and the simulacra dominating over a symbol, sacrality is brought up.
radical subject, pseudo-modern, dividual, postmodern, rhizome, nomadology, simulacrum, semiurgy.
Сложившаяся и продолжающая трансформироваться картина мира носит специфический характер как с культурологической и лингвистической, так и с философской точки зрения. При ее рассмотрении и осмыслении целесообразно воспользоваться по-
нятием «постмодерн».
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