Recreation and tourism like most other economic activities involve the use of natural resources. Moreover the natural oriented fields of recreation activity are characterized by the excessive tendency to natural resources with the inverted system of their consumption when consumers (recreants) are delivered to the places of concentration of natural resources. For the regions outside the traditional recreational and tourist destinations the important issue for the development of recreation and tourism is substantiation of the use of available natural resources as recreational. For the regions of Western Siberia the important group of natural resources which can be used for development of tourist recreation is biological natural resources of flora and fauna. The exploitation of this natural resources group as recreational has several promising trends of tourism in Western Siberia such as trophy, environmental and some other forms of experiential tourism. However, decision making on the possibility and use of biological resources for recreational purposes requires a versatile pre-assessment of many quantitative and qualitative indicators of their condition, including spatial (geographic) analysis of composition, volumes and availability of bio-resources. On the example of Tomsk region the author considers the features of the West Siberian region biota as a factor of tourist attractiveness of the area and the factors shaping biodiversity in the region, as well as the possibility of using biodiversity data to assess recreational potential of the region. Based on the analysis of the spatial characteristics of biological resources and biodiversity of the region the author makes a conclusion about the applicability of the existing scheme of physical-geographical zoning for objectives of recreational geographical and recreational-geoecological studies at the provincial level. However, the scheme of differentiation of the natural region environment based on biodiversity for recreational purposes can and should be significantly detailed in the arrangement of recreation places and recreational tours using the information not only on the species composition and the relationships within ecological communities of certain territories but also on the interaction of ecological communities with conservative components of landscapes and anthropogenic sphere
biodiversity, zoning, recreation, Tomsk region
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