Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the concept of hotel services quality, and pays special attention to the fact that service level depends on the focusing of staff on customer. An important condition for the successful operation of a small hotel is its orientation towards the consumer, consisting in enhance the perceived value of the service, in meeting its needs and, as a result, in achieving customer loyalty. Focusing of employees on customer is one of major factors of ensuring efficiency of activities and competitiveness of hotel. The author researches the quality assessment of the small hotels services in Novosibirsk. The main problems in rendering hotel services revealed by author are related to technical, functional and social service quality. Virtually all aspects of activities of small hotels have shortcomings showing the lack of system approach to management, despite the size and an organizational structure of enterprises which assume mobility and flexibility of management, fast adaptation to a market situation, requests of consumers, a high susceptibility to innovations. The author offers the recommendations for improving activities of small hotels, implementation of which will allow to increase hotel services quality. The management of small hotels of the Novosibirsk should pay attention to the following parameters: material and technical resources, quality standards, corporate culture, corporate style, staff policy, technologies of servicing, organization of business processes, range of services, price policy, and marketing communications. The service quality improvement should be complex and cover all activities of hotel. To hold the client, the enterprises of the industry of hospitality need to motivate the employees, to improve quality of the provided services, raising degree of a customer satisfaction and creating its loyalty of the organization.

service, quality, small hotels, improvement, analysis, loyalty, focusing on customer
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