Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the issues of increasing the competitiveness of organizations using managerial innovations. In modern conditions, the main direction to achieve sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population is the development of innovation, the widespread use of innovative technologies, products, services and management. The Government of the Russian Federation set as long-term development goals – ensuring a high level of the well-being of the population, consolidating the geopolitical role of the country as one of the global leaders that determine the world political agenda. The authors note that the competitiveness of organizations depends on many factors, including the competitiveness and quality of goods and services, the capacity, accessibility and homogeneity of the market, the competitive positions of enterprises, the possibility of technical innovations in the industry and region’s and country’s competitiveness. However, the main way to increase the competitiveness of organizations is the transition of the economy to an innovative socially-oriented model of development. The article deals with the assessing the effectiveness of the managerial innovations application. Today, there are many problems associated with the assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of their application in various organizations. The authors consider the concepts of "innovation" and "competitiveness", as well as methods for assessing the efficiency of managerial innovations..

competitiveness of organizations, managerial innovations, assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of managerial innovations
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