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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the tourism industry development in Russian regions, taking into account the different approaches to the existing strategies of territorial planning in tourist and hotel spheres. The internal tourist market is dynamically growing and embraces new recreational destinations, however, the economic efficiency and investment activity of these territories still depends on the level of institutional development of the socio-economic system and inter-branch communications. Institutional regulation of the tourist territory, on the one hand, develops and promotes the investment attractiveness of tourist and recreational resources, and on the other hand, stimulates and regulates tourist flows. The subjects-participants of the interaction not only enhance competitiveness and brand recognition, but contribute to the effective promotion of territorial initiatives in the state and investment structures. The article also discusses various approaches to centralized strategy of the tourism industry within the framework of the unified Tourism Development Program in the Russian Federation. The author believes that the problem of forming tourism destinations and clusters, which are necessary for the integrated involvement of the territory in tourism, is multilevel in nature. It covers a wide range of issues starting with the stage of the forming and assessing the register of tourist and recreational resources and ending with the overall coordination of spatial planning. There is no uniform methodology for assessing territorial tourist resources and unambiguous approaches to observing the results of the social and economic activities of the tourist industry in destinations. Nevertheless, many regions have already formed conditions for increasing the mass tourist flow and the development of domestic and inbound tourism products. At the moment, there are some very vivid examples of the intensive attraction of tourist flows in destinations in a fairly short period of time; the article considers exactly such results

strategic planning in tourism; tourism destinations, tourism clusters in the regions
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