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Abstract (English):
The article considers cooperation of Russia and China in the financial and trading platforms, which annually is steadily increasing in extent, especially in terms of sanctions imposed on Russia by the European countries. Chinese policy is aimed at liberalization of currency transactions, which creates favorable conditions for the development of monetary cooperation between Russia and China. Trend of Russian-Chinese cooperation appear to be quite optimistic: Chinese banks increase the size of trade financing and limits of loans that they provide to Russian banks. According to experts, for further mutually beneficial cooperation in the financial sector, the priorities should be: raising funds for Chinese investors in Russia due to host a variety of fixed income Russian securities, which are denominated in rubles.

cooperation, ruble, yuan, Chinese currency, currency pair, stock exchange, financial market.
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Бурное развитие финансов и финансовых отношений на мировой арене способствует тому, что финансовый сектор по темпам развития опережает производственный (реальный) сектор экономики.


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