Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In article the role of logistic coordination in increase of stability of deliveries chains is considered. This problem is investigated by the author from positions of integrated management of the integrated chains of deliveries on the basis of a combination of system, process and situational approaches. On the basis of the review of scientific works of representatives of school of management of chains of deliveries the author makes the conclusion about the need of formation and development of the system of through management of chains of deliveries allowing to align in the best way interests of participants of logistic process — suppliers, the focal companies, logistic intermediaries, consumers. At the same time special relevance, according to the author, in modern conditions is represented by a social orientation of logistic business — orientation not only to profits, but, also on interests of consumers and the accounting of requirements of the environment. Article is intended for scientists, heads and specialists of the logistic companies, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates and students studying in the «Logistics and Management of Chains of Deliveries» direction.
logistics, management of chains of deliveries, logistic coordination, suppliers, consumers, logistic intermediaries, through management, process approach, stream processes, integration, cooperation, management of the conflicts.
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