Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of conscious choice by trainees of their future professional activity. The importance of information and telecommunication technologies for the modern world is noted, as well as a wide range of specialties and training areas related to them. Exemplary tasks for information security olympiads are given, which are aimed at identifying the trainees’ abilities to work in the fi eld of information technologies, as well as to ensure the protection of information in the enterprise. Specifi c features of these tasks are described and methodological recommendations are given on their verifi cation and subsequent evaluation.

information security, choice of profession senior pupil, olympiad assignments, professional activity, education.

Базовой составляющей профильного обучения является подготовка выпускника школы к осознанному выбору профессии. С учетом важности информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий для российского общества остро стоит вопрос о подготовке специалистов в области информационной безопасности на предприятии.


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3. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 02.03.03 Matematicheskoe obespechenie i administrirovanie: utverzhden prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF ot 12 marta 2015 g. I. 222 [Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 02.03.03 Mathematical support and administration: approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2015 I. 222]. Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/fgosvob/020303.pdf.

4. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki 09.03.02 Informatsionnye sistemy i tekhnologii: utverzhden prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF ot 12 marta 2015 g. I. 219 [Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies: approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2015 №219]. Available at: http:// fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/fgosvob/090302.pdf.

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