Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Distance technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the sphere of tourist business. The article is devoted to the experience of working out and introducing of a module of teaching foreign students Russian in the sphere of tourist business using educational Internet resource.

russian business language, Russian as a foreign languages for special purposes, distance technologies.
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Российская система образования в области обучения иностранным языкам с использованием дистанционных технологий обучения не стоит на месте. Появилось понятие «открытое образование», суть которого заключается в возможности бесплатно и удаленно получать новые знания или повышать свою квалификацию.


1. Antropova M.Yu. Razrabotka i aprobatsiya metodologii formirovaniya globalnoy sistemyi ispolzovaniya distantsionnyih tehnologiy v obuchenii russkomu yazyiku za rubezhom [Development and approbation of the methodology for the formation of a global system for the use of distance technologies in teaching the Russian language abroad]. Russkiy yazyik i literatura v prostranstve mirovoy kulturyi: Materialy XIII kongressa MAPRYaL [Russian Language and Literature in the Sphere of World Culture: Proceedings of the 11th Congress of MAPRYAL]. St. Petersburg, MAPRYaL Publ., 2015, V. 10, pp. 54-59.

2. Zhuravleva L.S., Kalinovskaya M.M., Klobukova L.P., Trushina L.B., Uskova O.A., Havronina S.A. Russkiy yazyik professionalnogo obscheniya. Modul «Biznes». Bazovyiy uroven. Lingvodidakticheskoe opisanie tseley i soderzhaniya obucheniya [Russian is the language of professional communication. Module “Business”. A basic level of. Linguodidactic description of the aims and content of training]. Moscow, Rus. yaz. Kursyi Publ., 2007, pp. 11-12.

3. Snetkov V.M. Psihologiya kommunikatsii v organizatsii [Psychology of communication in the organization]. Moscow, Institut obschegumanitarnyih issledovaniy Publ., 2002. 192 p.

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