Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Stages of model formation and "green" economy concept in the context of socio-technogenic develop-ment of the world are considered. It is revealed that in the second half of the XX century the interconnected changes in economy and nature generated the interest in formation in the world of environmental economics, searching ways of steady co-evolutional social natural development. It has predetermined the lines of interna-tional cooperation within the UN International Confe-rence on environmental and development matters (1972, 1992, 2002, 2012, 2015, etc.). The conferences served to establish the interrelation of social, economic and ecological factors, to emphasize the importance of interaction of the country governments, business and public organizations in achievement of global ecologi-cal efficiency, the formation of ecologically focused model of economy adopted in the 21st century as a model of "green" economy. However, despite the in-ternational activity of the countries, science and busi-ness, a comprehensive scientific analysis showed dis-appointing results of strengthening modern degradation processes in biosphere. The "green" industrial revolu-tion which is developed now in the world is intended to connect the potential of economic growth with inten-tions of essential reduction of load on the planet eco-systems. It is proved that "green" economy model which is actively spread in industrially developed countries of the world combines a limited economic growth and safe, careful attitude to natural processes. Using the methodology of the system socio-natural approach (overcoming a narrow framework of a socio-economic research method) it is defined that "green" economic activity is implemented due to development of the innovative technologies and technosphere sub-stances developed according to market laws in accor-dance with corporate business interests. The conclusion is drawn that expansion of artificial processes and sub-stances due to technocratic-cantered liberal economic activity leads to increase of technogenesis of socio-biospheric evolution to more distancing of modern society from natural environment. Therefore the world community when developing programs of a new "green" paradigm of economic activity (as part of the concept of sustainable development) needs to prove exhaustively scientifically how socially and economi-cally responsible and whenever possible with the min-imum damage to the biosphere to combine expansion of technogenic processes with the developing natural life.

"green" economy, market, socio-technogenic development, technosphere, biosphere.
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