Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the application method of geological and economic monitoring for the problem solution of mineral and mineral resources potential evaluation of the territory is described by means of the cost method taking into account the expediency and perspectives of investing into additional exploration and shifting of field reserves to the industrial A+B+C1 categories and transferring forecast resources under P1+P2+P3 cate-gories into geological reserves of C2 category regarding nonmetallic minerals. Having executed the mineral resources potential evaluation of the Bryansk region by means of geologi-cal and economic monitoring method, it should be noted that the Bryansk region takes one of the leading positions among constituent entities of Central Federal District of the Russian Federation by the level of min- eral resource potential. Construction materials take the largest share in nonmetallic mineral resources base; the share of the peat fields of the open acreage is high. Mineral-raw material complex of the region are the most developed in the north-east where the main enterprises of the re-gion mineral-raw material complex are concentrated. A number of exploited and reserve nonmetallic mineral fields allow organizing quite a large and highly effec-tive production of qualitative construction materials in the area.

geological and economic monitoring, mineral-raw material complex, mineral resources base, mineral resources potential, technical and economic indicators, geological reserves.
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