Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Cel' issledovaniy – povyshenie produktivnosti yarovogo rapsa pri pryamom poseve v usloviyah Severnogo Kazahstana. Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya provodilis' v 2015-2016 gg. na opytnom pole Kostanayskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sel'skogo hozyaystve (Respublika Kazahstan). Programma issledovaniy vklyuchaet v sebya trehfaktornyy opyt po izucheniyu predshestvennikov (faktor A), sposobov poseva (faktor B), variantov s primeneniem i bez primeneniya preduborochnoy himicheskoy obrabotki (desikaciya) (faktor C) dlya yarovogo rapsa. Posev proveden vysokokachestvennymi semenami sorta yarovogo rapsa Geros v tret'ey dekade maya s normoy vyseva 2,5 mln. vshozhih semyan/ga. Rost i razvitie rasteniy yarovogo rapsa, poseyannogo po gerbicidnomu paru, proishodilo na 6-13 sutok bystree po sravneniyu s posevom po sterne pshenicy. Vliyanie sposobov poseva na prodolzhitel'nost' vegetacionnogo perioda pri obil'nom vypadenii osadkov ne proyavlyalos'. V sluchae zasushlivosti perioda vegetacii varianty poseva s men'shey shirinoy mezhduryadiy sozrevali ran'she na 1-3 sutok. Pryamoy posev yarovogo rapsa po gerbicidnomu paru otnositel'no sternevogo predshestvennika daet pribavku urozhaya 4,7-5,2 c/ga. Izuchenie sposobov poseva s razlichnoy shirinoy mezhduryadiy pokazalo preimuschestvo varianta poseva s mezhduryad'yami 23 sm – prevyshenie po urozhaynosti v sravnenii s variantom poseva s mezhduryad'yami 27 sm sostavilo 2,1-2,6 c/ga. Primenenie desikacii na yarovom rapse za 10 dney do uborki povysilo urozhaynost' dannoy kul'tury na 8,6-10,6%. Naibol'shiy vyhod masla otmechen na variante poseva po gerbicidnomu paru s shirinoy mezhduryadiy 23 sm s primeneniem preduborochnoy desikacii – 9,7 c/ga.

yarovoy, raps, pryamoy, posev, vegetacionnyy, urozhaynost', vyhod
Publication text (PDF): Read Download

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