Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The article presents theoretical aspects of comprehensive evaluation of woody plantings on the territory of the settlements as ecological and social capital. Attention is focused on the need for legitimate responsibility of the municipality to communities for preserving and enhancing the ecological values of tree and shrub plantings on the residential sections of urban areas. For this methodological paradigm for the calculation of the cadastral value of green spaces in the municipal land of settlements shall include the need to strengthen the spectrum of legal protection of the values of the multifunctional beneficial properties. Unlike current practice, which includes only consumer properties of the material constituents of wood plantings, it is proposed to apply an integrated approach to the calculation of the cadastral value of public "green" capital, resulting in a significantly increase of its value. This will reduce the interest of developers in making close the objects of capital construction by clearing underbrush and ripening of wood plantings in the territory of municipal formations. Ecological value of stands and individual trees is considered as a basis for measuring the economic damage in the event of causing harm to them for any reason. As a tool for dynamic evaluation of the value of environmental assets, the authors propose to create models on the basis of modern methods of knowledge for making management decisions in the management system of prudent consumption and reproduction quality of the surrounding natural habitat in residential areas. The need for legal regulation of environmental security and measures for maintenance of standards of environmental status on land settlements authorities in the municipal boundaries is underlined. In this paper we propose a method of solving the problem of measuring the value of "green spaces" through the establishment of conceptual bases of definition of innovation standards for the use of methods of experimental studies of consumer properties of environmental assets. This problem is subject to further economic research, and is one of the urgent tasks of municipal economy.
wood plantings, assessment of use value, lands of settlements, environment
Зелёные насаждения на территории земель населённых пунктов, кроме видеоэстетических качеств, обладают экологическими благами – совокупностью потребительских свойств древесных и не древесных материальных ресурсов, а также их полезных функций, которые особо необходимы людям на густо населённых селитебных территориях.
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