Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses various aspects of the crisis in Russia. It is specified that in Russia there is management, financial and economic crisis, deepened by aggressive policies of the USA and its satellites, the obvious one is the next stage of new geopolitical repartition of the world. The main reasons that led to the current state of the domestic economy are given. To improve the situation the most important aspect is innovative government policy, and knowledge management, in which special place is occupied by information resources and education of labor resources. It is determined that the new ideas that are being developed by highly qualified personnel, possessing deep knowledge in modern conditions, become a source of economic development of the region. The necessity of integration of educational institutions with research institutions on the basis of industrial complex and business structures in the form of a scheme "education – science – personnel – investment – firm - region – business", representing a set of interrelated and interconnected processes that form the overall innovation potential of any economic system, is proved. In the Russian economy, which is based on knowledge, the structure of employment is changing; an increasing share is for workers of intellectual labor in the structure of the working population, the proportion of employees with higher education increases, which is a natural result of development of productive forces in the course of scientific and technical progress. One of the modern requirements to the employees is their ability to train and re-train. A special role in the formation of highly qualified personnel for the Russian economy is designated to information resources, the value increases significantly, they are easily replicated, have increasing marginal utility, they are characterized by positive externalities and discriminatory prices.
crisis, geopolitics, new technologies, knowledge, education, information resources, intellectual work.
В России наблюдается денежно-кредитный, финансовый, управленческий кризис, имеющий триединую причину:
- структурный кризис;
- значительное технологическое отставание от развитых зарубежных стран;
- ультралиберальная политика правительства, приводящая к обвальной девальвации рубля, неуправляемой инфляции, снижению уровня жизни большинства населения страны [4].
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