Arhangel'sk, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
Currently in the Russian forest sector of the economy do not cease arguing and thinking about strategy and tactics, both for logging industry and the areas of afforestation and reforestation. This is primarily due to significant contradictions between the big less-experienced and timber enterprises of small business. Moreover, these difficulties have their roots in the significant difference in the technical equipment of these manufacturers of wood. The methodology of this study is analytical analysis of long-term developments of AFI (Arkhangelsk Forestry Institute) – ASTU (Arkhangelsk State technical University) – NARFU (Northern (Arctic) Federal University) (Arkhangelsk) in the mechanization of forestry work. For a long time, since the mid 80- ies of the last century, these organizations have carried out comprehensive studies of small forestry equipment – tillers and small tractors, machines and tools with technological plumes. We used all the tools of scientific research: mental heuristic methods; mathematical modeling, optimization techniques and research tests. The work was carried out in close cooperation with machine- building enterprises of the region. The findings should be considered as specific prototyping, experimental and prototypes of forest machines and tools on the chassis of compact mobile module. On the results of many years’ research activities, a patent for an invention has been received, dozens of articles were written, and numerous scientific presentations at research conferences were made. The University has actively replicated and disseminated scientific and technical information on the created objects, engineers and specialists, researchers has been training on this basis.
forestry work, mobile module, process loop.
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