Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The theoretical analysis of dynamic phenomena in transmission tracked forest machine is much more difficult in the absence of experimental data on the effects of the input characteristic of the machine. The most characteristic species in the transmission effects that arise under real operating conditions allow to evaluate the results of experimental studies, they also provide an opportunity to assess the quality of theoretical studies. To determine the loading of the transmission in the experiment involves the measurement of a number of kinematic and power parameters characterizing the speed and stress state of the transmission. In the course of the research used a special measuring equipment made in Germany includes the high-speed digital telemetry system for strain "TEL1-PCM-HS" company KMT. This article describes how to determine the dynamic load transmission elements tracked forest machine LZ-5 in overcoming individual barriers in experimental studies (tests). The paper presents a program of pilot studies tracked forest machine. Presented curves change the time settings on the final drives and cardan shaft, depending on the speed of the engine and drive sprockets in overcoming obstacles GLZM with different gears. histograms were constructed on the distribution of the torque transmission shafts for various modes of overcoming obstacles in order to analyze the influence of operational factors on the magnitude of dynamic loads. The article presents the distribution curve of the moments on the driven shaft final drive to overcome obstacles tracked forest machine with a pack assortments in the volume of 12m3. It was noted that there are no less than 20 times the dynamic point values, which exceed the estimated time for the overcoming of obstacles. From the studies that the transmission level of at least dynamic forces having height obstacles.

transmission; tracked vehicle; experiment; dynamic stresses.
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Экспериментальные исследования проводились на ровном участке, вдоль которого укладывались единичные неровности в виде поваленных брёвен различного диаметра и затем стопорились (рис. 1).


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