Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
The article describes the practical experimental study of two road structures, which used geosynthetic grid “Slavros GR” and in the form of honeycomb. Used materials and equipment for experimental research are described in details and graphically shown. A patent search of various designs of geosynthetic grids, used in road construction, is conducted. Materials used for the manufacture of polymer tapes are described in details. Positive and negative sides of geosynthetic gridsused in the experimental study are shown. There is an interesting offer for the location of the geosynthetic grids at a depth of 30 cm from the surface of the subgrade and geotextile material. Due to its location in the depth of 30 cm from the base surface of subgrade of geosynthetic grids and geotextile material the accumulation of moisture and water-saturated clay soil at the junction with the sand reduces, thereby eliminating the influence of frost penetration into the road structure. The authors have developed and proposed a new geosynthetic grid with honeycomb structure, containing seven nodes, with polymeric tapes and with the formation of six triangles which are in its turn are formed by a hexagon with six corner nodes and one central node. In an extended working position grid, stowed in place, represents the structure of a honeycomb with internal triangular cells directed to the center, which is filled with soil or stone bulk materials. The implementation of tapes in this way will increase the overall bearing surface of cell structure that will allow increasing its carrying capacity. The cellular structure of the honeycomb increases the resistance of pavement structures to the processes of cryotolerance soil on the slope by 30-40 %, and presence of the polymeric material of the rubber tape in the composition increases resistance to water erosion by 35-55 %.
frost heave, migration, water, research, sand, clay soil, sensors, humidity, temperature, cycles, pan, offset, road pavement.
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