Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
In the article the algorithm of formation of cracks on the surface of forest roads arranged on the slope, overlain by clayey soil at the base is defined. The possible causes of the moisture transfer from the physical point of view, the movement of soil moisture in the cooling zone, the conditions of formation of cracks are considered. The principle of migration of moisture in freezing soils is formulated as follows: the migration of water into the freezing wet soils is the process of transfer of moisture, constantly arising from any violation of the equilibrium state of the phases of soil and the measurements of the external influences in the presence of temperature gradients, humidity, pressure, surface energy of mineral particles, mobility of the molecules in the water film. The ratio between the rate of migration and rate of cooling determines the number and power of ice layers in soils, freezing with the inflow of water from outside. The more delayed the temperature of ice formation at this level, the more powerful the ice layer arise here, as enough water have time to catch up with for the growth of ice crystals. Water migration in frozen soils is possible only due to the unfrozen water held by adsorption forces by the surface of the mineral particles of soil and ice, it is subjected to the same laws of motion of film water, which are established for soils having a positive temperature, but has its own characteristics due to the additional action of crystallization forces of ice; however, in this case the migration process of water film will be very slow. Transfer of energy and substances in multicomponent environments in the general case is described using the apparatus of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. When creating temperature gradient in the dispersion medium the main effect occurs – the heat flow and cross effects, including mass flow. The results of the experiments and the numerical calculations made with the assumption that the termination of the water flow to the ice enabled the authors to assert that the frozen fracture of the porous bodies and of frost heaving of soil is the disjoining pressure of thin layers of unfrozen water and their pyro-crystallization flow.
clayey soil, freezing, thawing, crack, algorithm, slope, migration of water, moisture transfer, ice formation.
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