Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Under the influence of recreational impacts on plantings, their protective function, sustainability, aesthetics and natural appeal reduce. The objects of study are artificial pine plantations of 62 years of age, of different stages of digression (TLU-A2) on the sites of Somovskoe forestry of the Voronezh region. The paper explored the influence of recreational impacts on different components of forest phytocenosis. As it increases, the number of trees of the 1st category state ("no signs of weakening") significantly reduces and the number of trees 5-th and 6-th categories of the state ("fresh and old deadwood deadwood") increases. With the increase of anthropogenic influence the amount podletochnyh species, forest species of ground cover decreases and the number of weed and meadow species increases. Quickbeam (Sorbus aucuparia L) is the most resistant to recreational impact, volatile species are black alder (Frángula álnus, Mill) and wild pear tree (Pýrus commūnis, - L). With increasing stage of digression, the amount of trustworthy undergrowth of Scotch pine is reduced, the amount of questionable and unreliable undergrowth increases. The basis of natural regeneration in the forest plantations of Scots pine of 62 years of age is, in stage I of digression, single (46 %) and group (27 %) undergrowth of different age, located in the glade; its share is 49 % and 20 % respectively in stage II of digression; in stage III – single, medium, and large undergrowth (12%) in glades. Natural regeneration of tree species in trampled areas will not be able to ensure the restoration of forests and would require additional costs of afforestation in the future.

Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.), stability of plantations, stage of digression, condition category, components of biogeocenosis.
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