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Abstract (English):
As a result of mining of minerals by open method, formation of technogenic broken lands takes place. In the sediments of iron ore mines of Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA), about 60-80 % of overburden rocks are sands and chalk. These rocks during mining and stripping operations is transported and stacked in piles. Chalk and chalk-marly rocks of KMA are extremely unfavorable on water-physical and agrochemical properties for growing woody and shrub vegetation. One of the ways to increase forest potential of edaphotopic layer of chalk and chalk-marly piles is formation of technogenic substrates by applying and blending chalk-marl with a variety of more fertile reclamation layers of varying thickness. Granulometric composition of technogenic substrates is an important genetic and isotopologues characteristic of habitat conditions of plants. The object of the study was reclaimed in 1974, chalk-marl phosphorite Schigrovsky mine, Kursk region. Particle size distribution was determined by pipette method by Kaczynski. Positive changes of granulometric composition of technogenic substrates on reclaimed area at the time of establishment and after 40 years of growth on them of forest plantations are shown. Application of drainage layer from 10 to 50 cm promotes the formation of lighter granulometric composition of technogenic soil. Over the 40 year period in the embodiments, when applying a layer of sandy deposits, technogenic substrate is transferred from the category of light clay to sandy loam, clay loam layer from the category of light clay to medium loam, and when applying the layer of humus soil in medium loam and sandy loam.

rock, chalk-marl, barrow, recultivation, granulometric composition.
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Карбонатные породы верхнего мела оказывают существенное влияние на ход почвообразовательного процесса. Меловые и мело-мергельные горные породы выступают в качестве мощного ландшафтообразующего фактора.


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