Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the provisions of the current legislation containing measures of state stimulation of investment activity for the purpose of industrial development and production of competitive products. Among the array of legislation, the author identifies the position of the industrial policy under which conditions are created for legal, economic and organizational stimulation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to establish or maintain (modernizing) industrial projects in the Russian Federation. The author points out that the legislation provides for financial assistance in terms of grants from the federal budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of the Russian Federation, local budgets; the possibility of concluding a special investment contract; provision of information and consulting services; support scientific and technological activity and innovation activity of investors in the industry. The article details the procedure for granting state guarantees of the Russian Federation on loans or bond loans, attracted for implementation of investment projects related to the creation of new or renovation of existing social, agroindustrial, industrial, utility and transportation facilities, and the possibility of their further exploitation. The authors point to the desirability of introducing legislation on investment activities, the provisions on the criteria for the recognition of investment objects as socially important facilities in the Russian Federation.

investments, state guarantees to investors, measures of state stimulation of investment activity.
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1. Federal'nyy zakon ot 31.12.2014 № 488-FZ «O promyshlennoy politike v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Federal Law of 31.12.2014 N 488-FZ «On industrial policy in the Russian Federation»]. «Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF», 05.01.2015 [«Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation», 05.01.2015].

2. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 16.07.2015 № 708 «O spetsial’nykh investitsionnykh kontraktakh dlya otdel’nykh otrasley promyshlennosti» (vmeste s «Pravilami zaklyucheniyami spetsial’nykh investitsionnykh kontraktov») [Government Decree of 16.07.2015 № 708 «On special investment contracts for specific industries» (with the «Rules of the conclusions of special investment contracts»)]. «Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF», 27.07.2015 [«Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation», 27.07.2015].

3. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 14.12.2010 № 1016 «Ob utverzhdenii Pravil otbora investitsionnykh proektov i printsipalov dlya predostavleniya gosudarstvennykh garantiy Rossiyskoy Federatsii po kreditam libo obligatsionnym zaymam, privlekaemym na osushchestvlenie investitsionnykh proektov» [Government Decree of 14.12.2010 № 1016 «On approval of the investment project selection rules and principals to provide state guarantees for loans or bond loans, attracted for implementation of investment projects»]. «Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF», 27.12.2010 [«Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation», 27.12.2010].

4. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 14.12.2010 № 1017 «O poryadke predostavleniya gosudarstvennykh garantiy Rossiyskoy Federatsii po kreditam libo obligatsionnym zaymam, privlekaemym yuridicheskimi litsami, otobrannymi v poryadke, ustanovlennom Pravitel’stvom Rossiyskoy Federatsii, na osushchestvlenie investitsionnykh proektov» (vmeste s «Pravilami predostavleniya gosudarstvennykh garantiy Rossiyskoy Federatsii po kreditam libo obligatsionnym zaymam, privlekaemym yuridicheskimi litsami, otobrannymi v poryadke, ustanovlennom Pravitel’stvom Rossiyskoy Federatsii, na osushchestvlenie investitsionnykh proektov») [Resolution of the RF Government of 14.12.2010 № 1017 «On the procedure for granting state guarantees of the Russian Federation on loans or bond loans, attracted by legal persons, selected in accordance with the procedure established by the Russian Government for the implementation of investment projects» (with the «Rules of granting state guarantees of the Russian Federation on loans or bond loans, attracted by legal persons, selected in accordance with the procedure established by the Russian Government for the implementation of investment projects »)]. «Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF», 27.12.2010 [«Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation», 27.12.2010].

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