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Abstract (English):
The competition is the primary mechanism for modern market system. The competition serves as regulator. It motivates producer to introduce the newest methods and solutions, improve productivity and access to markets, to improve the production technology organization of work. The competition is a necessary attribute of an advanced economy. It is an incentive for improving the quality products, increased volume of productions, formation of feasible price, accurate advertising. At the same time, certain types of competition conflict with established business customs and traditions. The unfair competition was prohibited by law in the most countries. However, the methods of unfair competition are constantly improving, so making them more subtle and sophisticated.

competition, unfair competition, effective demand, The Federal Law on the Protection of Competition, The Lanham Act, product markets.
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В разных странах в связи с особенностями экономической системы методы ведения конкурентной борьбы имеют свою специфику. Как и любое состязание, конкуренция характеризуется не только правилами, соответствующими принятым нормам и принципам, но и способами, которые вступают в противоречие с действующими деловыми обычаями и нормативно-правовым положением. Поэтому выделяют добросовестную и недобросовестную конкуренцию.


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