Elec, Lipetsk, Russian Federation
It is well known that the most significant moment in motion smoothness increase of freight and passenger train is a motion stability of running gears in a rolling stock. The promising designs of car running gears are developed in Bunin State University of Yelets at the level of inventions and a set of computations on the substantiation of rational parameters of such struc-tures allowing not only the increase of car motion smoothness, but also the creation of conditions for car serviceability.
motion stability, car, wheel pair, running gear, rolling bodies
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2. Engineering Reference Book of Railway Worker. Vol. 6. Rolling Stock / under the editorship of Е.F.Rudoy. - М.: Transzheldorizdat, 1952. - pp. 955.
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4. Ponomaryov, S.D. Computation of Elastic Elements of Machines and Devices/ S.D.Ponomaryov, L.Е.Andreeva. - М.: Mechanical Engineering, 1980. - pp. 326.