Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A finite element procedure for calculated inves-tigations of SSS at a crack tip in a babbit layer is created. The procedure is adjusted for bimetal cylin-drical sample loaded according to a circuit of bending with rotation. The dependences for stress intensity factors are obtained and it is shown that accuracy of such modeling is higher than in procedure options used ear-lier. A set of computations for samples with some cracks in a layer is carried out. The criteria of crack separation into independent and interacted are revealed. The results of the work will be used for the further adjusted analysis of experiments and for the formation of dependences in a cyclic crack resistance of babbit layers. The procedure shown and results can be useful for other objects with layers applied on a more solid basis.

babbit, stress-strained state, SSS, crack modeling, finite element method, stress intensity factor, crack interaction
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