In the article features of adaptability of the Syrian teenagers in the extreme injuring situations are revealed. The review of researches on a problem of emergency situations is presented, the characteristic and typology of the injuring events are given, and specifics of experience of the endured mental trauma are disclosed. In the article correlative communications are shown between traumatic events and adaptability of the Syrian teenagers who are in the refugee camp "Zaatari". In the conditions of lack of stability and military operations a man stands against danger. In the development of such situation the need for protection of the relatives and self-preservation amplify. The investigation of "the Arab spring" and the wars in Syria were influenced by the states of Europe, accepting flows of refugees. Escaping from war, people weren´t ready to join new social environment. The injuring events of the past have postponed an indelible print on their psychophysical state. In the psychological plan process of carrying out rehabilitation work with refugees isn´t iridescent and demands great complex work. It concerns mostly the children and teenagers who have endured events of military operations. For this reason younger generation needs more psychological assistance.
adaptability, disaster, stressor, traumatic stressor, extreme situation, critical situation, difficult life situation
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