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Abstract (English):
Two types of steel reinforcement depassivation process: carbonation of concrete and chloride penetration are considered in the article. The comparison between the corrosion due to carbonation of concrete and the chloride-induced corrosion was carried out. It was found out, that chlorides induced corrosion is potentially more dangerous than that resulting from carbonation. Method of durable tests of reinforced concrete structures under the action of the gravitational load and the corrosive chloride environment is described in the article. The results of experimental research on reinforced concrete structures with corrosive damages to steel reinforcement are given in the article. The properties of corrosion cracking in the case of the pitting corrosion were determined. The character of corrosive damage distribution along the reinforcement bars and its effect on the strength of reinforced concrete beams were determined.

corrosion of reinforcement, pitting, strength, reinforced concrete structures.
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