Electrocardiographic signs of WPW-syndrome are registered approximately in 1.5–3 cases per 1000 ECGs. Herewith 2/3 of patients can have arrhythmia in the future. According to one of researches, the frequency of firstly diagnosed cases was 4 ones per 100,000 people per year. In 60–70 % of cases patients with WPW syndrome have no organic heart disease, and they are almost able-bodied and healthy people. Typically, the syndrome appears to be in young-aged people. During the period of aging, fibrous tissue is sometimes formed at the field of atrioventricular groove, herewith holding locks on extension path. WPW-syndrome is a relatively rare cause of sudden cardiac death. It accounts for from 0.05 % to 0.2 % cases per year. According to recently published data of prospective registry, which includes observations of 2169 patients with WPW-syndrome during 8 years, sudden cardiac death occurred predominantly with patients with antegrade refractory period of the accessory pathway ≤240 ms. This clinical example will help to appreciate the informational content of methods of daily ECG monitoring and transesophageal atrial electrical stimulation for the purpose of early diagnosis of WPW syndrome and paroxysmal arrhythmias with patients who have minimal complaints
WPW-syndrome, transesophageal atrial electrical stimulation
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