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Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is improving the productive qualities and morphological properties of udder of Black-Motley breed cows of local selection by crossing with bulls-manufacturers of American, German and local selection. Researches were conducted on a lactic farm named by L. Murodov of the Gissar district of the Republic Tajikistan for heifers of the Tajik type of Black and Motley breed. The purpose of researches was perfecting of productive qualities and the morphofuctional properties of Black and Motley breed cows udder of local selection by crossing with manufacturing bulls of the American, German and local selection. The main aim was formation of lactic efficiency for the first lactation and morphological features of an udder. It is established that daughters of bulls of the American selection surpass in a yield of milk for a lactation of bulls daughters of the German origin on 572 kg (12.1%; Р<0.01), bulls daughters of local origin – on 299 kg (6.3%; Р<0.05). At the same time cows of the first group (the American selection) had the highest lactational curve, and the lowest at cows of the second group (the German selection). It is caused by the fact that bulls daughters of the American selection had the highest coefficient of constancy of a lactation (84.8%), and bulls daughters of the German selection the lowest was (77.3%). Morphological characteristics of the cows udder of all experimental groups was consistent with the requirements of machine milking. It was found that for improving the productive and technological qualities of the Tajik type of Black-Motley breed it is possible to use Holstein bulls.

breed, Tajik, type, yield of milk, udder, measurements
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