Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 67.11 Строительные конструкции
BBK 385 Строительные конструкции
To date, the problem of disposal ash waste is one of the most important. Primarily this is due to the overflow of many dumps in the subjects of the Russian Federation. This topic is particularly relevant in the framework of the outbreak in Russia of the Year of ecology. This publication, which is the development of studies of construction characteristics of the slag mixtures, carried out on the basis of "SibADI", aims to prove possibility of application of these man-made soils as a bases of buildings and structures. The article discusses the results of determining the bearing capacity of driven concrete piles immersed in an array of ash and slag mixture to the ash dump of the Omsk HPP-4. There is a graph of bearing capacity of piles depth of pile driving into an array is presented. For comparison, there is the calculation of the bearing capacity of similar piles in the array of natural soils is given. The conclusion is made about the suitability of ash and slag mixture as a man-made soil for the construction of basements of buildings and structures.
ash and slag mixture, bearing capacity, reinforced concrete piles
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