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Abstract (English):
One of methods of increase in the bearing capability of bored piles – giving of conicity to them on type the zabivnykh of the piles which are narrowed to an edge. Feature of work of such piles (wedge-shaped) consists that under loading they work "in a raspor", like a volume wedge and transfer a part of loading at the expense of a normal component on an inclined side surface. Results of experiments on models the buronabivnykh of conic piles in a soil tray showed that with increase in a corner of conicity the bearing capability of models of conic piles significantly increases though the area of an edge (end face) at them identical, and the areas of side surfaces differ slightly. This phenomenon can be explained with repulse of soil on a trunk in case of the pressing loading, that is the so-called wedging effect. It is revealed that the edge share in the general bearing capability of a pile constitutes 12,8 … 25% from what it is possible to draw the following conclusion. Application the buronabivnykh of conic piles will be the most effective, in case of a bedding from the surface of strong soil, and deepening of an edge in dense soil isn´t obligatory.

the bored pile, conicity of a pile, the pile model, a soil tray, static testing bearing a capability, efficiency
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