Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The objectives of state and legal reforms in modern Russia are strengthening the prestige of civil service, minimization of existing shortcomings in the sphere of professional activity, promoting improvement of administrative and legal status of a state civil servant, as well as formation of a platform for further socio-economic development of the country. However, instead of the projected decrease in the level of corruption in Russia, there is a tendency to its growth. The contradictory nature of the situation is in the fact that prevention and fight against corruption in public service has given rise to even a greater corruption. This situation is a serious concern of the government and institutions of civil society in our country. The article notes that at the present stage of the development of state civil service, anti-corruption standards of official conduct of civil servants are legislated, categories of posts are defined, which are subject to anti-corruption standards, sanctions for non-compliance are established, also the organizational framework for combating corruption is formed.

corruption, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption standards of official conduct, civil servants

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